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来源:http://www.codepub.com 时间:2022-02-11 06:18:02 编辑:yyzn 手机版

私服是自己搭建的服务器 是不和正版的服务器数据相同的 私人的会在特定的时间开服的 一般私服都是在上午的八点到晚上的五点左右这段时间内开服的 可以在这段时间内试试


英文:When I'm doing business in China espesially in this sensitive area we called Internet.Everybody think about China Internet is about censorship, but to me it's not that serious. Cause 15 years ago when we do chat internet in china, China government said no,no,no Internet, It's so dangerous. But I thought Internet is so new to any government so the way is not to go against it, just go educate them and tell them. so as an individual, as a business man I was think we are doing business is business, nothing to do with the government I have my phylosophy in the past 10 years, in love with the government but never marry them. 中文:当我在中国做生意尤其是在这个被称做敏感地带的因特网(生意)的时候,每个人想到中国因特网就会联想到审查制度,但是对我来说并没有那么严重。因为15年前当我们开始做网聊业务的时候,中国政府说:“不不,不要因特网,那太危险了。”但我想因特网对任何政府来说都是如此新鲜,我们要做的不是抵制它,而是去教育他们(网民)告诉他们。所以作为一个商务人士,我一直这么想:生意就是生意,和政府无关。在过去的10年中我有自己的原则:和政府相爱,但是决不会和她结婚。自己听的,自己翻的,希望给分。

