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来源:整理 时间:2022-07-02 20:58:26 编辑:教育管理 手机版





So important is the college entrance exam that we should not ignore it.Students are suffering from it everyday.They have to accept very heavy burden in order to get good marks.Students should focus to their studies as their most important thing at this time.Also,they need to relax from time to time.Parents know that they ought not to disturb children.What they need to do is to get the latest info about college entrance exam and to prepare delicious food in order to remove the heavy burden.Teachers should guide students to study in the correct way. They can also have a talk with students.Students,parents and teachers should unite to prepare for the college entrance exam.



College Entrance Exam, to some extent, is a standard test on whether a student graduating from high school has gained encough skills and basic knowledge for the further study in universities. It helps our nation to select talents, through the cruel competition, to contribute to this country. On the other hand, the aspects of capabilities, from which it tests, are biased. For example, in its English exam, it only test students listening, reading and writing. The most direct use of a language, speaking, is "neglected". Most of the time, students are asked to fill up plenty of blanks in the question paper, however, these blanks are rarely met in our daily life. That is, the test is not practical. In my opinion, I propose that there should be an revolution in College Entrance Exam. As English exam, for instance, is a language test, which should contain four parts: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Good examples are TOFEL and IELTS. For the other exams, the number of choice questions and blank-filling questions could be reduced. Open-ended questions should have higher occurrence in the exam papers. 呵呵 要写可有说不尽的话呢。就先写这么多,你看不行的再修改吧。



It seems that the most of chinese suffer from Gaokao.Gaokao is the entrance examination in the China , which is mean to select talents to different university. As far as Im concerned, although it made so much pressure to the teenagers who want to the university ,it did the fairest way for everyone to change their future and had made a lot of talent people to contribute our country.我的英语水平只能写的比较简单,应该就不用翻译了叭望采纳
the question that how tostudy has become a universal issue concerning not only student but also thosewho has long been retired from the professional or academic study field. however,to respond to this question depends on the situation in which the specificstudy roots in and the intellectual and personal qualities possessed by thesubject. in fact, without being agonistic, the intention of speculating thisquestion itself, serves the core motivation for study better.
So important is the college entrance exam that we should not ignore it.Students are suffering from it everyday.They have to accept very heavy burden in order to get good marks.Students should focus to their studies as their most important thing at this time.Also,they need to relax from time to time.Parents know that they ought not to disturb children.What they need to do is to get the latest info about college entrance exam and to prepare delicious food in order to remove the heavy burden.Teachers should guide students to study in the correct way. They can also have a talk with students.Students,parents and teachers should unite to prepare for the college entrance exam.


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