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takecareof,care of和take 的区别

来源:整理 时间:2022-07-08 10:16:55 编辑:教育管理 手机版

1,care of和take 的区别

take care of sb. 照顾某人take care= Be careful 是小心,注意的意思
take care for 是 顾惜,挂念,留意。如:take care for trimming and cleaning。留意剪线和清洁take care of 是 照顾,关心,之意。如:yeah, i have to be here to take careof her," he said。他说:“是啊,我必须在这照顾她。”其实两者并没有很大区别,具体得看语境了。

care of和take 的区别

2,take care of

take care of yourself [te?k][kε?] [?v][j?:?self]的意思是:照顾好你自己,自己多保重 take: 拿;获得 care : 照料;管理;关怀 of:关于;属于…的;由…制成 yourself:你自己 短语 Take good care of yourself 照顾好自己 ; 照顾好你自己 ; 小心照顾自己 ; 多保重自己 take better care of yourself 更好地照顾自己 ; 采取更好地照顾自己 ; 照顾好自己 OK take care of yourself 确定照顾自己 ; 好作为关心你自己 ; 好的照顾好自己 ; 确定采取

take care of

3,attend与take care of有什么不同

take care of照料; 关怀; 处理attend on服侍, 照料; 陪, 随从attend upon服侍, 照料; 陪, 随从
care for仅仅是照顾的意思attend to1.处理 he offered to go and attend to the matter.他主动提出来处理这件事。2.注意; 听取; 致力于 you must attend to your studies.你必须注意你的学习。they attended faithfully to their duties.他们忠于职守。your request will be carefully attended to.你的要求将会得到认真考虑。3.照料, 照顾 he carefully attended to the wounded soldiers day and night.他日夜仔细照料伤员
attend: 参加 He attended a conference in Paris.take care of: 照顾、处理 You take care of him.
attend[E5tend]vt.出席, 参加, 照顾, 护理, 注意vi.专心, 留意attend[E5tend]vi., vt.注意;留意出席;到场attend school上学attend a lecture听讲课attend church去教堂attend (at) a wedding出席婚礼照看;照料照料take care of [简明英汉词典]v.照顾

attend与take care of有什么不同


look after 与take care of 的用法区别答:take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after.如:① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的.② The boy is very young.He cant take care of himself.这男孩很小,不可以照顾自己.take care of作“保管、保护”解.如:① The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.老师告知学生要保护好新书.② Can you take care of your thing?你会保管你的物品吗?★take care of与look after都能作“照顾、照料”解,可以互相替换.但look after没有“保管、保护”的意思.如:① She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.=She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.昨天她呆在家里照料她母亲了.② Who is going go take care of the wounded person in the hospital?=Who is going to look after the wounded person in the hospital?谁去医院照料那个受伤的人?③ Children must take good care of their eyes.≠Children must look after their eyes well.孩子们要好好保护眼睛.★take good care of和look after…well意义相同,都是“好好照料、好好照顾”的意思.但要注意,take care of用的是good一词,而look after则用well.如:① Dont worry.I can take good care of your pet while you are away.=Dont worry.I can look after your pet well while you are away.放心,你不在时,我会照料好你的宠物的.② The nurses took good care of the children.=The nurses looked after the children well.保育员把孩子照料得很好.
take care of someone (something)英 [teik k?? ?v] 美 [tek k?r ?v]照顾;杀掉;对付;抵消look after someone (something)英 [luk ?ɑ:ft?] 美 [l?k ??ft?]照顾;照料;料理;打理含义上有交集。关键的差别还是在单词care与looklook after 与汉语“请你帮我看会儿孩子”的那个“看”,意义差不多,就是跟在后面看着,需要帮助时帮一下。care:英 [ke?(r)] 美 [ker]v.照顾;关心;担心;喜爱n.照顾;小心;忧虑是真正的照料。前者比较正式,后者更像口语。
look after 与take care of 的用法区别?答:take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after.如:① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的.② The boy is very young.He cant take care of himself.这男孩很小,不可以照顾自己.take care of作“保管、保护”解.如:① The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.老师告知学生要保护好新书.② Can you take care of your thing?你会保管你的物品吗?★take care of与look after都能作“照顾、照料”解,可以互相替换.但look after没有“保管、保护”的意思.如:① She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.=She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.昨天她呆在家里照料她母亲了.② Who is going go take care of the wounded person in the hospital?=Who is going to look after the wounded person in the hospital?谁去医院照料那个受伤的人?③ Children must take good care of their eyes.≠Children must look after their eyes well.孩子们要好好保护眼睛.★take good care of和look after…well意义相同,都是“好好照料、好好照顾”的意思.但要注意,take care of用的是good一词,而look after则用well.如:① Dont worry.I can take good care of your pet while you are away.=Dont worry.I can look after your pet well while you are away.放心,你不在时,我会照料好你的宠物的.② The nurses took good care of the children.=The nurses looked after the children well.保育员把孩子照料得很好.


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