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来源:整理 时间:2022-08-02 05:46:15 编辑:教育管理 手机版





Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne. In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters. 抱歉没有结束语



哪里有介绍北京英文导游词包括大概介绍北京悠久历史著名景点,紫禁城长城颐和园燕京八景北京小吃北京烤鸭,什刹海酒吧街,胡同王府,热情好客,也可按我的意思大概帮我翻译一下,不必太详细 查看原帖>>



没有特定的英文明的 你到王府井就可以看到路牌 wangfujin street


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:  I am very glad to serve as your guide today. You can call me Lily. Please keep my name card at hand. f you have any trouble or lose your way, just call me. My number is here. Ill do my best to serve for you.  Now we are in front of the Prince Gongs Mansion. It was the residence of He Shen. He was the Prime Ministery and the Minister of Defence in the years of Qanlong, the most prosperous stage of Qing Dynasty. In1850s, the mansion was bestowed on Prince Gong. Compared with the Forbidden City, it seems to be a little less famous. Why we come here ? The answer is its first owner, He Shen, is a very famous person in Chinese history. Every Chinese knows him no matter the kids or the old. There are even many novels, poems, movies and TV series telling his story. Why is he so well-known? Because he was the corruptest official in Chinese history. You cant imagine how large amount of his graft is. The successive Emperor Jiaqing sentenced He′to death and took possession of his treasure. The money he left behind amounted to 4,000 tons of silver, equaling ten years income of the national treasury. If you change it into US dollars, it is 520 billion! I wonder how he got so large amount of money in only one life. Certainly, he paid lots of manpowers and materials to build his own mansion. It is the largest and the best preserved Prince Mansion in Beijing. As you see, the Palace Museum is grand, national and formal. I think this one is more personal. You can see another style of Chinese building . Now, lets begin our wonderful visit. Follow me, please!  The gate you see is called Western Gate. Are you familiar with it? Yes, the architect learned something from Europe. Nowadays, it is very common to see there are different kinds of styles coming from different countries in a garden. But in Qing Dynasty, the emperor didnt want any communication with other countries. So this kind of gate was really rare, at that time. There were only three Western Gates all over the country. One was this. The other two were both in imperial garden.  Lets enter the garden.. Can you smell the fresh air and sweet fragrance? Its really comfortable. Pay attention to the thin stone, please. It is not artificial but natural. ts name is Joy Peak. In China, its tradition to put a huge stone or screen in front of the gate. It can protect the good luck and wealth from flowing away and ward off evil spirits. It is still true today. Besides, because of its existence you cant see the inner scene directly. Youll be curious and have a strong desire to go in. But, this one has another special function. Look at it using you imagination. What does it look like? (Here and here)Yes ! It looks like a holy mother hugging her son. Even though He′had many wives, he still didnt have a son in his middle age. He was so worried about this until he found this stone. He expected it would bring him a son. It is wonderful that He′got the only son in his life the next year. What a happy coincidence!  After going around the stone, the Bat Pond comes into our view. It gets this name because its shape was like a bat. Why he like such an animal? Even myself as a Chinese cant understand this at first. IN most peoples mind, this animal represents something evil. Now I get the answer. In Chinese, the pronunciation of bat is…and the pronunciation of happiness is…They are the same! There are 9999 bats in the garden. This is one of the specialties of Prince Gongs Mansion. Of course, they are not real, hey are pictures or symbols. Have you noticed the four elm trees around the pond? Do you feel them a little strange? Look! They all grow to the heart of the pond, Their branches are above the pond. As a result, when autumn comes, the fruit and leaves of them will drop into the pond. Are you confused? Why he built this? ^_^Of course, it has a further meaning. The shape of elms fruit and leaves is very similar with Chinese bronze coin. He′hinted his ambition to gather all the wealth in his own wallet. At last he actually got it. In addition, all the water in the mansion is circulating. It will keep fresh and clear all the year round. If you are careful enough, you may find that there are few rivers in Beijing. In ancient time, if you wanted a river flow over your garden, you must get the emperors permission. So it is a fairly great honor to have this. You can see how much the emperor appreciate He′! You can go around to take photos here. It will bring you good luck and wealth because of the pong and the artificial hill. There is a great secret under the hill. I will tell it to you after a while. Now, if you have any question, ask me please! We will climb the hill after a quarter. Is that OK?




detective conan original named a new work, is a cane, in a high school student detective traced a wear black ways, is designed to scoundrel forced eat poison and the body into a kingdom pupil look shrink, to make their body restore, plan traping scoundrel appeared to find solution to a new work cane, hence start trying to hide identity, one day he in the house of li o dr just see the bookshelf "edo sichuan disorderly steps" complete, while his father again "conan doyle" fans, hence inspiration move, is to "edo sichuan conan to conceal the name of identity. and live into girlfriend xiaolan home, trying to find those harm him smaller black dress person. and meet people, beauty, yoshida step composed young detective regiment. the high school students and osaka detective clothing department flat times become good friends. after drug designers and he also smaller ash member has joined. still looking for black organization who... 以上是英文简介,请采纳。翻译:名侦探柯南』原名叫工藤新一,是一个高中生名侦探,在一次追查一个穿黑衣歹徒行径时,被设计强迫吃下毒药而致身体缩小成一个国小学生模样,为了使自己身体回复原状,计诱歹徒现身找到解药,工藤新一于是开始设法隐藏身份,有一天他在阿笠博士的家中恰好看到了书架上『江户川乱步 』全集,而他爸爸又『柯南道尔』的书迷,于是灵感一动,就以『江户川柯南』之名来掩饰身份。并住进女友小兰家里,想找出那些害他变小的黑衣人。又结识吉田步美等人,组成少年侦探团。并与大坂的高中生侦探服部平次成为好友。后药物设计者与他同样变小的灰员哀也加入进来。至今仍在寻找黑衣组织那些人……


青岛导游词 qingdao guide word 青岛,位于山东半岛的东南部,是我国著名的海滨旅游城市,地理位置[环镜]得天独厚,东有崂山,西有平原,北揽大泽,南接黄海,下辖市南、市北、四方、李沧、崂山、城阳、黄岛七区和即墨、莱西、平度、胶州、胶南5市,总面积10654平方公里,人口703万,壮美的山峦,迷人的海滨。悠久的历史和灿烂的文化使青岛成为令人向往的旅游胜地. qingdao, located in the southeast of shandong peninsula is a famous seaside resort city, the geographical location of the mirror [z, a laoshan east, and the plain, the inspection osawa is received south, and huang hai 下辖 the south, 市北, the quartet, 李沧, laoshan, the sun, hwang-do 七区 and jimo, lassie, pingdu, 胶州 jiaonan 5, and the total population 703万 10654 square kilometers, interconnected mountains, the beautiful seaside. a long history and splendid culture qingdao be desirable to resort. 青岛素以气候宜人而文明遐迩.因其地处暖温带季风气候区,又濒临大海,受海洋气候调节作用,当南方酷暑之时,青岛却凉爽如秋。再加上碧浪金沙。绿树红瓦,实在是一处不可多得的避暑度假胜地。这里夏季的平均气温23摄氏度,最热的8月平均气温仅为25.1摄时度,因此,青岛的夏天是吸引中外游客最多的季节.当然,也把在坐的各位吸引来啦. qingdao to a good climate of the road because of its civilization. this monsoon climate is warm in the temperate zone, and the climate regulation, the ocean, when the heat, qingdao is a cool autumn. in addition, trees 碧浪 dust. red tiles, it is a brilliant summer resort. here in the summer the average temperature in centigrade, the heat of the 23 august average temperature in celsius degrees 25.1 only when, therefore, qingdao domestic and foreign tourist in summer is the most of the season. of course, to take you to come.
Hello everyone,I am a new guide,this is my first time to bring everyone to travel,we are the place to be is the Changbai Mountain.Changbai Mountain is very quiet environment,especially the Changbai Mountain Tianchi,according to legend had also appeared a monster here.In fact only a natural phenomenon,to let us go and see!


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