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来源:整理 时间:2022-04-18 02:52:54 编辑:教育经验 手机版

12. make me laugh 使我笑 III。 Key Sentence Structures 重要句型: Unit 1: -What do you usually do on weekends?

13. -I usually go to the movies。 -What does he sometimes do on weekends?

14. -He sometimes surfs the Internet。 How often do you exercise?

15. I exercise once a week。 How often does she eat vegetables?

16. She eats vegetables three times a day。 Most of the students go to the beach every year。

17. It makes a big difference to my grades。 My eating habits are pretty good。

18. Unit 2: What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What’s the trouble?

19. I’m not feeling well。 I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat。

20. /I have a lot of headaches。 Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist。

21. You should drink some hot tea with honey。 You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours。

22. Don’t get stressed out。 It will make you sick。 I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。

23. Unit 3 -What is she doing for vacation? -She is babysitting her little sister。

24. -That sounds nice / interesting。 -When are you going?

25. -I’m going on Monday。 -Where are they going? -They are going to Tibet。

26. -Who is she going with? -She is going with her parents。

27. -How long is he staying。 -He is staying for a week。

28. -How is the weather there? -I’m hoping the weather will be nice。

29. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June。

30. Have a good time。 Unit 4: -How do you get to school?

31. -I get to school by bus。 -How does he go to work?

32. -He usually walks to school。 -How long does it take?

33. -It takes about twenty minutes。 -How far is it from his home to school?

34. -It’s three miles。 What do you think of the transportation in your town?

35. Unit 5: -Can you e to my party on Wednesday? -Sure, I’d love to。

36. / I’m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson。 -Can she go to the movies on Saturday?

37. -No, she can’t。 She has to help her mom。 -Can you go to the concert on Monday?

38. -When is it? -It’s at four o’clock on Friday。 Thanks a lot for the invitation。

39. I’m going to study for a test this evening。 What’s the date today?

40.第一单元 相亲相爱一家人 第一课 爱在屋檐下 孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德。 家庭的含义:P5 家庭类型:核心家庭、主干家庭、单亲家庭、联合家庭 家庭关系的确立:结婚、生育、收养、再婚。

41. 你如何理解与父母的亲情?P6 孝敬父母 孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德; 孝敬父母是道德和法律的要求,是我们的天职 孝敬父母就是子女对父母的尊敬、侍奉和赡养。

42.其中最重要的是敬重和爱戴父母。 我们应如何孝敬父母?P16 几个重要认识: 父母做出不道德的事情或违法的事情我们应如何做?

43.P17 对父母的长辈我们应如何对待?为什么?P17 第二课 我与父母交朋友 青春期我们与父母之间产生矛盾的原因是什么?

44. 进入青春期 ,我们有了自己的思想渴望独立,渴望重视,甚至挑战父母权威; 父母还把我们当小孩,不放心、唠叨、责怪,于是矛盾产生了。

45. 如何正确认识我们与父母之间的矛盾?P21 代沟、逆反心理 我们与父母的年龄差距,是产生代沟的直接原因,代沟的实质是反映在年龄差异背后的多重代际差异。

46. 逆反心理的主要表现:P21 怎样正确认识我们的逆反心理?P21 我们怎样正确对待与父母的代沟和矛盾?

47. 要走进父母,亲近父母,努力跨越代沟,与父母携手同行; 学会与父母沟通商量。通过商量,弄清分歧,找到双方都能接受的办法。

48.通过沟通,我们就能得到父母的理解,甚至改变家长的意见。 把握与父母沟通的要领:彼此了解是前提,尊重理解是关键。

49.理解父母的有效方法是换位思考,沟通的结果是求同存异。 与父母交往的艺术: 赞赏父母,交往起来无烦恼; 认真聆听,交往起来免误会; 帮助父母,交往起来无障碍; 在家庭交往中,与父母不必太计较。

50.即使父母错了,也要原谅,不必争个高下输赢不可。 第二单元 师友结伴同行 第三课 同侪携手共进 人际交往的意义: 与学生积极交往,友谊之树才能常青,自我开放,我们的性格会更加开朗,人生更加精彩。

51. 一个受欢迎的人应有的品德:真诚、善良、负责任、热情、友好、幽默等 如何认识友情? 朋友带给我们温暖、支持和力量,我们要珍惜友谊;对于友情,我们要慎重理智的把握,才能获得更多的朋友,得到真正的友谊。

